That was some break wasn’t it?

I intended to take some time off from the business whilst I ran away to Bali for a couple of weeks and planned some fun birthday things in May but despite going back to work last Spring, it’s somehow turned into a near 6 month long blogging break now!

BUT, I’m planning to bring my blog back at some point but rather than try and fill you in on the rollercoaster of a year I’ve been riding, I thought I’d use it as an opportunity to start a fresh. I find it hard not to feel like I’m repeating myself though - what with facebook and instagram being my go to social media outputs these days…

Mix it up?

With that in mind though, it’s probably a good kick up the bum for me to use this little corner of the internet for something a bit different to my usual ‘buy my shit’, ‘come see me here’ type drivel…

Anywho, I’m not really in the right headspace (or even life space) to add another plate to spin at the moment so this is just a drive-by ‘howdie’ to let you know I’m still planning to blob at some point and I hope you’ll still be around to follow along!

In the meantime…

Look after yourselves, and stay fresh Cheese Bags!

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