Apparently it’s Black Cat Day, and seeing as I missed National Pet Day earlier this year, I thought I’d use it as an excuse to throw the lime light on all THREE furry little besties in my life!

I mean, everyone loves cat and dog pictures, right?! So let’s start with the biggest twat of them all…


🐺 NAME : Rei (Austmans Blue Capella)

🗓️ AGE : 4 years and 9 months

📏 SIZE : Medium-rare (15-17kg)

👍🏻 LIKES : Frisbee, red pepper, cheese, her humans + all of the attention all of the fucking time.

👎🏻 DISLIKES : Most people especially ones in her personal space, mushrooms, being approached/touched without permission, FOMO.

🌟 SPECIAL SKILLS : Super Velcro Dog, always there with you whether you like it or not. Can learn a trick within 3-5 tries but will develop apparent hearing problems within 10 secs if she’s had enough of your bullshit.

If you’ve been around here for a while you’ll know she gets called all the names under the sun as she is a challenging yet wonderful little rotter! But that‘s Australian Cattle Dogs (Blue Heelers) for you - an incredibly intelligent, stubborn, high energy and ‘I need to be involved in every-fuckingthing-you-do’ breed 🌪️ She’s also SUPER protective, which can make walks tough as people want to say hi (she does look pretty cute, smiley and just like Bluey afterall!) but Rei isn’t often happy with new people in her or her human’s personal space so she can be quite snappy and it takes a while to earn her trust/read her cues.

Once she loves you though, it’s game over! You will get licked to death, head butted in the crotch, punched in the tit and never left alone if there’s a toy to be played with 😅 It’s a small circle of trust and a risky one to be in but I think it’s worth it!

Rei’s name is Japanese and whilst it can have different meanings depending on the used kanji, we went with 霊 spirit… although maybe 鈴 small bell (end) would have been more appropriate 🤭 Fun fact, I really wanted to call her Cheddar (“she’s not some common bitch!”) but Rei of Sunshine is great and is easier to yell across fields 🗣️

Rei turned 4 in November and has shown very few signs of this ‘calming down when they grow up’ malarkey people often say about dogs 😅 She is however so bloody clever and easy to train that 60% of the time she is a VERY well behaved dog all of the time! Sometimes I’m left wondering if she’s training us because she knows exactly how to push my buttons! 


One half of the the terrible two of the Sunshine Pet Gang…

🐈‍⬛ NAME : Toby (Tubs, Tobertron, Buds)

🗓️ AGE : 12 years and 6 months

📏 SIZE : House Panther (5-6kg)

👍🏻 LIKES : Cuddles, dribbling down you neck, happy paws on boobs, burying himself in a duvet, yoghurt, stealing his sisters food and prowling around the house, yelling with his toy in his mouth.

👎🏻 DISLIKES : Not being fed on time, Rei, getting ignored, sudden movements, being fussed for a little bit too long and collars.

🌟 SPECIAL SKILLS : Rounding up and bringing you rubber bands/hair bobbles - how can be bothered to catch a bird or mouse anyway! Making everything feel better with his thunder rumbling purr 🥰

He’s a handsome, sleek House Panther but an absolute glutton so can’t be trusted around food, (takes after me!) 😅 I’m 99% sure he has thumbs and has been known to open doors and bust into his sister’s feeder many a time! He also seems to magically gain an extra 100kgs at butt o’clock in the morning and target your crotch/bladder with ridiculous precision when tearing around the room.

I’ve had both kitties since they were teeny tiny kittens and from day one, Toby Cat has always been a cuddle monster, snuggling onto my shoulder, dribbling down my neck with the loudest purr you ever did hear! 🖤


The other, but maybe slightly bigger, definitely the boss half…

🐯 NAME : Pegs (Princess, Pickle, Peggles)

🗓️ AGE : 12 years and 6 months

📏 SIZE : Tiny Tiger (3-4kg)

👍🏻 LIKES : curling up on a warm crotch, chin tickles, cheese, following me around, sunspots, sleeping on my head, drinking from the tap.

👎🏻 DISLIKES : prawns, her brother wanting to play, water that isn’t fresh from the tap, Rei.

🌟 SPECIAL SKILLS : to be the most beautiful Princess you ever did see whilst also maintaining the bitchiest rest face known to mankind. Absolute pro at drinking out of buy never falling into the toilet 🚽 

Pegs is the prettiest of Princesses with an attitude to match 💛 She’s always been my shadow and will often have her head in my drink or shout at me until I turn a tap on for her 👑 She’s never far from a head rub and will seek out the warmest spot in the house - sunbeams or a comfy crotch!

She absolutely loves a fuss and will actually poke you with her paw until you oblige but don’t you dare touch her tummy!

For anyone who doesn’t know, Pegs (tabby) and Toby (Panther) are brother and sister, they have matching white tips on their tails but apart from that are nothing alike 😂

They are named after characters from one of my favourite childhood books, Puddle Lane - Pegs was a Cat and Toby was the Magician’s Dragon! Yes, I’m THAT old!

Anywho, hope you enjoyed this belated Pet Day round up that nobody asked for 😅 and thanks for reading!


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