Tits Out Tuesday

You guys are THE TITS 🤗

It might be a weird way to do it but now I have your attention I would like to say…



I’ve been trying to read through, reply to and process all of your amazing comments and messages about fund raising ideas for Buddy and I’m honestly blown away! You guys really are the BEST 🥰

So what’s next?

Well, the two most popular suggestions from my poll were ‘Buy Me A Coffee’ and ‘Only Vans’ 🤣 So first things first, I’ve gone and set up a @buymeacoffee account (link in bio) so if anyone wants to ‘buy’ a tea, coffee or spot of oil for me and Buddy you can do whenever you likey ☕️

As for the latter, I guess you could count this post as a sneak peek into what direction ‘Only Vans’ could take 🤣 That one might need to take a back seat for now though…


Anywho, I’ll also be adding a couple of listings to the shop next week so keep your peepers peeled for:

🖍️ Campervan Colouring Pages
🎨 Watercolour Wheels Portraits
📝 Custom Colouring Pages

I’m VERY EXCITED about opening books for portraits btw 🥳 Campers, Cars, Bikes and More will all be very welcome and I can’t wait to meet other people’s metal loves! 🚐🚗🛵🚚🏍️🛻🚜🛺

Oooft! This is getting a bit waffly now so I’ll reign with another HUGE THANK YOU and a promise to update you all as more ideas come to life - I just need to come down from all these antibiotics and painkiller meds first 😅

One thing’s for sure though, I reckon the SAVE BUDDY CAMPAIGN is going to be a lot of fun for everyone involved 🥳 You guys have lit a big ol’ fire in my soul and I can’t wait to get things rolling… Buddy included 😅


PS. My Booby Pot is proving to be one of the best things I’ve made to date 😅 Just hope another Tits Out Tuesday post doesn’t get me cancelled…

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